1996年 東京生まれ。都立大法学部を卒業後、様々な空間のプロデュースに3年間従事。写真や映像のクリエイティブに携わりたくなり、社長専属インターンを経てbird and insectに加入。お酒と煙草とバンドが好き。鉄分が不足しているため、朝は元気がない。
Born in Tokyo in 1996. After graduating from Tokyo Metropolitan University with a degree in law, worked for 3 years producing various spaces. Wanting to be involved in creative work in photography and video, he joined bird and insect after working as an internship exclusively for the president. He likes to drink, smoke, and play in bands. Due to a lack of iron, he has no energy in the morning.
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