bird and insects.

about us

create culture

bird and insect は、イメージづくりの力を駆使して
世界観を描き伝える creative studio です。

bird and insect is a creative studio that uses the power of image creation,
drawing out your brand story in a way communicates your worldview.

brand movie

We believe image is a form of language.
It is a powerful tool that helps convey powerful thoughts and ideas.

With the power of image, we see the world from a different perspective, and therefore, the dramatic and new is born.
Together, we change reality.

Such as a company with a rich history.
When we portrait its ideal out, a new surprise is made.

Such as a product that is not yet known to the world.
When we visualize its value, people's minds will be moved effortlessly.

Ideas are there from the beginning.

In light, color, sound, words, and time.
When we utilize these elements to convey the innate ideas, new discoveries are encountered.

We are bird and insect.
We are the creative studio that uses the power of image creation to create and convey our worldviews. Drawing out your brand story in a way that moves.

mission statement


making reality more dramatic, bringing the dramatic to reality.








image branding



What is appealing about your brand, and what kind of perspective is appropriate for your brand?

Image branding is a method of creating a "brand image" in the minds of customers by identifying the unique appeal of a brand from the desired perspective. We will help you create the right image that attracts potential customers.

what we do



From planning / direction to promotion proposals.

We can help you build the appropriate image and meet the demands of the times. Our services range from planning/direction to production (both photography and videography). We also provide planning proposals including suggestions and solutions for further development and promotion of the brand.

brand movie

bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2024年度版です。

We proudly present our brand movie of 2024, which portrays the world of bird and insect.

bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2023年度版です。

We proudly present our brand movie of 2023, which portrays the world of bird and insect.

bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2022年度版です。

We proudly present our brand movie of 2022, which portrays the world of bird and insect.

bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2021年度版です。

We proudly present our brand movie of 2021, which portrays the world of bird and insect.



Above is our showreel of 2021 showcasing 21 highlighted projects produced from 2020 to 2021.


Above is our showreel of 2020 showcasing 18 highlighted projects produced from 2019 to 2020.

member list

1985年、東京生まれ。京都工芸繊維大学で建築・デザインを学び、広告系制作会社を経てフリーランスへ。その後、bird and insect ltd.を立ち上げ、代表取締役を務める。2017年には日本のファッション写真史の研究で博士号を取得した。クリエイティブを論理的に行うことを信条としながら、精緻なディテールの詰めや感性を活かすディレクションも大切にしている。広告の写真や映像制作はもちろんのこと、近年は MV やドラマの制作、作品の制作提供を多く行なっている。

Born in Tokyo in 1985. Studied architecture and design at Kyoto Institute of Technology, and went to freelance after working for an advertising production company. In 2013, he received a master's degree in photography from the University for the Creative Arts. After that, he launched bird and insect and served as the representative director. In 2017, he also received his PhD in the study of Japanese fashion photography history.

20歳のときに居眠り運転で事故を起こし九死に一生を得る。その経験から、気持ちに正直に生きると心に決め世を渡り歩いていく。この21世紀に駆け落ちを経験後帰京し、フリーで写真・映像の仕事を行う。2017年1月、bird and insect所属。個人では自主制作のドラマや映画を制作する活動も行っている。

After falling asleep at the wheel and nearly losing his life in an accident during his 20s, he decided to make his way through life with a newfound sense of purpose and honesty . After eloping in the 21st century , he returned to Tokyo and worked freelance in photography and video. He joined bird and insect in January, 2017. He continues to work on independent films and drama s as well.

1989年、長野県生まれ。上智大学の英文学科を卒業後、アパレルメーカーで7年間勤務。趣味としていた写真を仕事にすることを決意。2018年、以前から交流のあったbird and insectに加入。言葉にできない感情で、写真や映像を表現したい。

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1989. After graduating with a degree in English Literature at Sophia University, he worked for an apparel manufacturer for 7 years. After deciding to pursue his passion for photography full-time, he joined bird and insect in 2018, having had a relationship with the firm prior. A true believer that a picture is worth a thousand words, he strives to express emotions in his photo and video work that cannot be expressed through language.

京都工芸繊維大学で建築・デザインを学んだ後、都内インテリア会社に入り、8年半の間、生活用品の企画デザインを手がける。そこで革素材に出会い、4年ほど革職人のもとで製法を学ぶ。開発期間を経て、2016年10月に、レザーバッグブランドke shi kiを立ち上げる。2018年2月より、ke shi kiをbird and insectの一事業部として活動を続けると同時に、写真・映像の事業部にもデザイナーとして参加。

After studying architecture and design at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, she worked in the planning and design of household goods at a Tokyo-based interior design firm for eight and a half years. Upon becoming acquainted with leather, she studied under a leather craftsman for 4 years. After an initial development period, she launched the leather bag and accessory label ke shi ki in October 2016. While continuing to run ke shi ki as a business unit of bird and insect from February 2018 onwards, she also works as a designer in the photography and video business unit.

長崎生まれ、祖父から譲り受けたminolta SRT101というカメラで、故郷の風景写真を撮影したきっかけに写真を始める。(有)六本木スタジオ入社後、アシスタントを経て独立。フリーランスでPhotographerを約9年間経験、映像の世界に興味を持ち、2019年6月によりbird and insect に参加。

Born in Nagasaki, he started taking pictures of his hometown with a Minolta SRT101 handed down to him by his grandfather. Gaining experience at Roppongi Studio Ltd. and later as a photographer’s assistant, he decided to pursue a freelance career . With a career spanning 9 years and an interest in the video world, he joined bird and insect in 2019.

1985年生まれ。学生時代より建築業界一筋で生きてきたが、30歳の時にスパッとやめる。その後、様々なクリエイターやものづくりに関わる企業や個人を多角的にサポートする仕事を始め、2017年11月より友人でもあるシュンタロウに声を掛けられbird and insectに参加。主にproducer/managerとして協力している。趣味はロードバイクでの旅。

Born in 1985, he worked in the construction industry since he was a student. At 30, a sudden career shift found him working to support various creators, companies, and individuals involved in manufacturing. In November 2017 he was invited by his friend Shuntaro to join bird and insect. Cooperates mainly as a producer and manager. Hobbies include traveling on a road bike.

高知生まれ。バイリンガルカルチャーマガジンWooly編集部、カメラマン福田秀世氏のアシスタントを経て、レタッチャーになることを選択する。2018年にbird and insect加入した後、1年間のパリ生活を経験。英語と古着と美味しいものが好き。どこに行っても面白く生きていきたい。パワースポットは、やっぱり下北沢。

Originally from Kochi Prefecture, she worked on the editorial team of bilingual culture magazine Wooly and as an assistant to photographer Hideyo Fukuda before choosing to become a retoucher. After joining bird and insect in 2018, she lived in Paris for a year. She enjoys speaking English, thrift stores and delicious food. Constantly seeking the next interesting experience, her spiritual power spot is Shimokitazawa.

1985年 鹿児島生まれ。広告代理店を営む父の元、10歳からVHS-C、中学からHi-8、高校からmini-DVを回す日々を過ごす。中高一貫の進学校に通うも、大学進学をせずに上京。婚礼撮影、スタジオアシスタント、プロダクション、機材販売会社を経て独立。4年間、主にガファーとして働く。寂しくなったので、2022年にbird and insectに入社。人生の半分以上捧げてきた映像のすべてを、ここにぶつけます。

Born in Kagoshima, Japan in 1985. Under the influence of his father, who ran an advertising agency, spent his childhood with various video recording device. VHS-C from the age of 10, Hi-8 from junior high school, and mini-DV from high school. Entered a combined junior and senior high school, but decided to move to Tokyo rather than going up to college. Acquired versatile skills through many jobs such as wedding cinematographer, studio assistant, movie production, and lighting material sales before setting up on his own. Working mainly as a gaffer for the last four years. Lately he’s got a bit lonely, so he thought he’d join bird and Insect in 2022.
He is ready to throw his entire experience on movie production, which he has been devoting more than half of his life to.

1993年 長野県生まれ。大学在学中に写真家のアシスタントをする傍ら、自身の作品制作を行う。以降、都内制作会社でファッション誌やカルチャー誌の撮影を手がけてきた。2020年6月からbird and insectにプロジェクトマネージャーとして加入。麺類が好き。顎関節症のため、ハンバーガーは食べにくい。

Koike was born in 1993 in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. While in college, he worked as a photographer's assistant and also produced personal works.Since then, Koike has been shooting for fashion and culture magazines at a production company in Tokyo.In June 2020, Koike joined bird and insect as a project manager.Koike is a fan of noodles. He has difficulty eating hamburgers due to TMJ disorder.

1993年 東京都生まれ。学生時代は音楽に没頭、当時から映像に興味を持ちつつも、ファッション業界の道へ。数度の転職を経験し、好きなことで生きていくことを決意。前職アパレル会社のPR経験を経て、2020年7月からbird and insectにPRとして加入。YouTubeを毎日見ることが日課。いつでも音楽を聴いている。

Shirato was born in Tokyo in 1993. She was immersed in music when she was a student. Although Shirato had a strong interest in film and photography, she went into the fashion industry in her early career. After changing jobs several times, Shirato decided to make a living of doing what she loves.In July 2020, Shirato joined bird and insect as a PR person after working in Public relations at a former apparel company.Shirato watches YouTube every day, and she listens to music all the time.

1993年 石川県生まれ、金沢美術工芸大学卒。2011年の震災後、日本を応援するコンセプトのCMに感銘を受けたことがきっかけで、コピーライターを志す。主な受賞歴として 朝日広告賞、Japan Six Sheet Award、Metro Ad Creative Award ほか。2021年3月よりbird and insect のコピーライターとして入社。夢は、いつか自分が感銘を受けたような映像のキャッチコピーを担当すること。

Sugiura was born in Ishikawa in 1993 and graduated from Kanazawa College of Art. After the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011, Sugiura was impressed by a commercial with the concept of supporting Japan, which inspired him to become a copywriter. Sugiura has won significant awards throughout the years, including the Asahi Advertising Award, Japan Six Sheet Award, Metro Ad Creative Award, etc. In March 2021, Sugiura joined bird and insect as a copywriter. His dream is to write the catch copy for the videos that would impress him.


Born in Fukuoka, Japan. Participated in commercial film production while in college. Unable to forget that original experience, he jumped into the industry. He has been involved in a wide range of film production at a production company without being restricted by his position, including director of a TV information program, PM and cameraman for music videos, assistant director of a movie, and director of a documentary. He wants to create images that "move people's hearts.

1997年生まれ。2015年に写真を学びに日本へ渡り、その後日本大学芸術学部で写真学科を卒業、2021年4月にbird and insectにフォトグラファーとして加入。古いカメラが大好き、たまに大判カメラでなにでもない日常を撮影している。日本食が大好きだが、紅しょうがは食べられない。

Kan was born in 1997. He came to Japan in 2015 and entered the department of photography at Nihon University College of Art to pursue his dream in photography. In April 2021, Kan joined bird and insect as a photographer. Kan enjoys Japanese food culture, but he can't stand the taste of red pickled ginger.

大小問わず、物語性のある空間を創造する仕事がしたいと思い、プロップスタイリストを志し2021年bird and insectに入社する。趣味はカーテン作り、好きな食べ物はブドウです。

After graduating from Musashino Art University, Department of Architecture, Kawamura worked at an architectural design firm designing new homes, offices, and renovation projects.
In 2021, Kawamura decided to join bird and insect as a prop stylist because she wanted to create the narrative in spaces. Kawamura enjoys making curtains, and her favorite food is grapes.

1994年兵庫県生まれ。大学休学中にメキシコにて日本食レストラン兼ホステルの立ち上げに携わる。帰国から約4年間まちなかにある銭湯や喫茶店を活用した分散型ホテルの立ち上げに広報として従事。2021年11月からbird and insectにプロジェクトマネージャー兼PRとして加入。散歩が趣味。

Mitani was born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1994. while on leave of absence from college, Mitani went to Mexico and was involved in launching a startup Japanese restaurant/hotel. After returning to Japan, Mitani worked as a public relations representative for establishing a dispersed hotel. In November 2021, Mitani joined bird and insect as a project manager and PR. He enjoys walking.

1997年 宮城県生まれ。大学在学中にbird and insectにアシスタントとして参加。写真と映像のイロハを学び、2022年10月にEditorとして入社。漫画、映画、格闘技が好き。

Born in Miyagi, Japan in 1997. Joined bird and insect as an assistant while in college. After learning the basics of photography and video, he joined the company as an Editor in October 2022. Loves manga, movies, and martial arts.

1998年 長野県生まれ。映像の作り手を志し、大学卒業後、インターンを経てbird and insectに加入。何事も一つ一つ丁寧に積み重ねることがモットー。

After graduating from university, he joined bird and insect after working as an intern, with the aim of becoming a creator of images. His motto is to do everything carefully one by one.

1996年 東京生まれ。都立大法学部を卒業後、様々な空間のプロデュースに3年間従事。写真や映像のクリエイティブに携わりたくなり、社長専属インターンを経てbird and insectに加入。お酒と煙草とバンドが好き。鉄分が不足しているため、朝は元気がない。

Born in Tokyo in 1996. After graduating from Tokyo Metropolitan University with a degree in law, worked for 3 years producing various spaces. Wanting to be involved in creative work in photography and video, he joined bird and insect after working as an internship exclusively for the president. He likes to drink, smoke, and play in bands. Due to a lack of iron, he has no energy in the morning.


After graduating from the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works at Tama Art University, he has been active as an artist while managing the studio and gallery "DESK/okumura". After various experiences, including a year-long period as an oil painter under several names, he transitioned towards the realm of visual media through ventures in manga, design, and AR. Prioritizing concept over technique, he excels in a collage-like approach to thinking.

東京生まれ、桐朋学園出身。システム研究開発業務を経験後、管理部門系へキャリアチェンジ。管理部門全般業務の実務と管理統括を経験。企業経験は創業140年企業から中小、ベンチャー企業を体験。bird and insectに業界未経験で飛び込む。コロナ禍でボカロ系推し活に目覚め今に至る。

Born in Tokyo, she graduated from Toho Gakuen. After gaining experience in system research and development, she transitioned to a career in administrative roles, where she took on management oversight responsibilities. Her corporate experience ranges from established companies with a 140-year history to small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as ventures. She dove into bird and insect with no prior experience at creative industry. Started supporting her vocaloid favorite during the COVID-19 pandemic, she continues to pursue her interest to this day.

1994年 東京生まれ。舞台制作会社にて技術職と事務職を経験。クリエイターに寄り添うバックオフィスを目指してbird and insectに加入。冷たい食べ物が好きだが暖かい食べ物も好きになってきた。趣味は引越しと昼寝。

Born in Tokyo in 1994. She has experienced technical and office work at a stage production company. After that, she joined bird and insect to become a back office that is considerate of creators. She used to eat cold food a lot, but she gradually came to like hot food as well. Now she’s enthusiastic about house-moving and taking a nap.

1991年の奈良県生まれ。関西外国語大学卒業後、東京のIT企業に就職。その後海外放浪を経て、2020年より台北に移住。中華圏のYouTuberマネジメントや広告代理業を行う傍ら、台湾の暮らしを発信するYouTubeを始める。その後写真と映像を仕事にしたいと思い、台湾オフィスの代表としてbird and insectに加入。

Born in Nara Prefecture in 1991. After graduating from Kansai University of Foreign Studies, he joined an IT company in Tokyo. Following a period of wandering abroad, he relocated to Taipei in 2020. Alongside managing YouTubers in the Chinese-speaking world and working in advertising, he started his own YouTube channel to showcase life in Taiwan. Subsequently, with a desire to work in photography and videography, he joined bird and insect as the representative of their Taiwan office.

about us
bird and insect ltd. all rights reserved.


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