bird and insect は、イメージづくりの力を駆使して
世界観を描き伝える creative studio です。
bird and insect is a creative studio that uses the power of image creation,
drawing out your brand story in a way communicates your worldview.
We believe image is a form of language.
It is a powerful tool that helps convey powerful thoughts and ideas.
With the power of image, we see the world from a different perspective, and therefore, the dramatic and new is born.
Together, we change reality.
Such as a company with a rich history.
When we portrait its ideal out, a new surprise is made.
Such as a product that is not yet known to the world.
When we visualize its value, people's minds will be moved effortlessly.
Ideas are there from the beginning.
In light, color, sound, words, and time.
When we utilize these elements to convey the innate ideas, new discoveries are encountered.
We are bird and insect.
We are the creative studio that uses the power of image creation to create and convey our worldviews. Drawing out your brand story in a way that moves.
making reality more dramatic, bringing the dramatic to reality.
What is appealing about your brand, and what kind of perspective is appropriate for your brand?
Image branding is a method of creating a "brand image" in the minds of customers by identifying the unique appeal of a brand from the desired perspective. We will help you create the right image that attracts potential customers.
From planning / direction to promotion proposals.
We can help you build the appropriate image and meet the demands of the times. Our services range from planning/direction to production (both photography and videography). We also provide planning proposals including suggestions and solutions for further development and promotion of the brand.
bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2024年度版です。
We proudly present our brand movie of 2024, which portrays the world of bird and insect.
bird and insectの世界観を表すブランドムービー、2023年度版です。
We proudly present our brand movie of 2023, which portrays the world of bird and insect.
1985年、東京生まれ。京都工芸繊維大学で建築・デザインを学び、広告系制作会社を経てフリーランスへ。その後、bird and insect ltd.を立ち上げ、代表取締役を務める。2017年には日本のファッション写真史の研究で博士号を取得した。クリエイティブを論理的に行うことを信条としながら、精緻なディテールの詰めや感性を活かすディレクションも大切にしている。広告の写真や映像制作はもちろんのこと、近年は MV やドラマの制作、作品の制作提供を多く行なっている。
Born in Tokyo in 1985. Studied architecture and design at Kyoto Institute of Technology, and went to freelance after working for an advertising production company. In 2013, he received a master's degree in photography from the University for the Creative Arts. After that, he launched bird and insect and served as the representative director. In 2017, he also received his PhD in the study of Japanese fashion photography history.
1986年生まれ。映像ディレクター。大学中退後、 多数の職を経て写真家・大山友輝朗氏に師事。2017年bird and insect加入。「映像は社会と視聴者を繋ぐ役割である」ことを常に意識し、柔らかかつしなやかな姿勢で課題や表現することに向き合い、人や街、 企業が持つ温度感を情緒的に表現することを得意とする。bird and insectで制作する傍ら、映画監督としても活動。劇場公開作品「雨とひかり」(2024年) 愛犬と豪雨の中一緒に走るのが好き。
Born in 1986. Video director. After dropping out of university, he worked various jobs before studying under photographer Yukiro Oyama. Joined bird and insect in 2017. He always keeps in mind that “video is a medium connecting society and viewers,” approaching challenges and expression with a soft and flexible attitude. He excels at emotionally expressing the warmth of people, streets, and companies. While producing work at bird and insect, he also works as a film director. “Raindrop from the Sun” (2024) He enjoys running with his beloved dog in heavy rain.
1989年、長野県生まれ。上智大学の英文学科を卒業後、アパレルメーカーで7年間勤務。趣味としていた写真を仕事にすることを決意。2018年、以前から交流のあったbird and insectに加入。言葉にできない感情で、写真や映像を表現したい。
Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1989. After graduating with a degree in English Literature at Sophia University, he worked for an apparel manufacturer for 7 years. After deciding to pursue his passion for photography full-time, he joined bird and insect in 2018, having had a relationship with the firm prior. A true believer that a picture is worth a thousand words, he strives to express emotions in his photo and video work that cannot be expressed through language.
京都工芸繊維大学で建築・デザインを学び、 都内インテリア会社にて生活用品の企画・デザインを約9年間手掛ける。そこで革素材に出会い、革職人のもとで製法を学んだ後、2016年にレザーバッグブランドke shi kiを立ち上げる。2018年よりke shi kiを夫の営むbird and insectの一事業部にすると共に、プロップスタイリストとして加入。静物画のような表現を得意とする。ブランド運営の経験を活かし、商品・サービスの作り手とその使い手の思いを汲み取るビジュアルメイキングを行う。
She studied architecture and design at Kyoto Institute of Technology, then spent about 9 years planning and designing lifestyle products at an interior design company in Tokyo. There, she encountered leather materials and learned crafting techniques from a leather artisan before launching the leather bag brand ke shi ki in 2016. In 2018, she incorporated ke shi ki as a division of bird and insect, which her husband manages, and joined as a prop stylist. She specializes in still life-like expressions. Utilizing her brand management experience, she creates visuals that capture the thoughts of both creators and users of products and services.
1985年鹿児島生まれ。広告代理店を営む父の元、10歳からVHS-C、中学からHi-8、高校からmini-DVを回す日々を過ごす。中高一貫の進学校に通うも、大学進学をせずに上京。婚礼撮影、スタジオアシスタント、プロダクション、機材販売会社を経て独立。4年間、撮影チーフ・ガファーとして働く。2022年にbird and insect に加入。
Born in Kagoshima in 1985. Influenced by his father who ran an advertising agency, he spent his days using VHS-C from age 10, Hi-8 from middle school, and mini-DV from high school. Although he attended a prestigious combined junior and senior high school, he moved to Tokyo without going to university. After experiences in wedding photography, studio assistance, production companies, and equipment sales, he became independent. He worked as a shooting chief and gaffer for 4 years. Joined bird and insect in 2022.
長崎生まれ、祖父から譲り受けたクラシックカメラで、故郷の風景写真を撮影したきっかけに写真を始める。瞬きをするように感覚で撮影できるように感覚と感性を常に大事にしている。(有)六本木スタジオ入社後、アシスタントを経て独立。フリーランスでPhotographerを約9年間経験、映像撮影の機会が多くなってきたのを機に、2019年6月によりbird and insect に参加。
Born in Nagasaki, he began photography by capturing his hometown landscapes with a classic camera inherited from his grandfather. He values intuition and sensibility, aiming to shoot as naturally as blinking. After joining Roppongi Studio, he worked his way up from assistant to independent photographer. With about 9 years of freelance photography experience, he joined bird and insect in June 2019 as video shooting opportunities increased.
1985年生まれ。学生時代より建築業界一筋で生きてきたが、30歳の時にスパッとやめる。その後、様々なクリエイターやものづくりに関わる企業や個人を多角的にサポートする仕事を始め、2017年11月より友人でもあるシュンタロウに声を掛けられbird and insectに参加。主にproducer/managerとして協力している。趣味はロードバイクでの旅。
Born in 1985, he worked in the construction industry since he was a student. At 30, a sudden career shift found him working to support various creators, companies, and individuals involved in manufacturing. In November 2017 he was invited by his friend Shuntaro to join bird and insect. Cooperates mainly as a producer and manager. Hobbies include traveling on a road bike.
高知生まれ。バイリンガルカルチャーマガジンWooly編集部、フォトグラファー福田秀世氏のアシスタントを経て、レタッチャーとして2018年にbird and insectに加入。2021年からは月単位でモニターと共に移動し、遊牧民的生活を楽しんでいる。最新のパワースポットは、別府♨️ 撮影時の苦労を知っているからこそ、レタッチで”こういうふうにしたい”に応えながらクオリティーを上げられることにやりがいを感じる。鳥の目&虫の目をバランスよく使って「愛のあるレタッチ」を目指し続けたい。
Born in Kochi. After working in the editorial department of the bilingual culture magazine Wooly and as an assistant to photographer Hideyo Fukuda, she joined bird and insect as a retoucher in 2018. Since 2021, she has been enjoying a nomadic lifestyle, moving monthly with her monitor. Her latest power spot is Beppu♨️ Knowing the difficulties of shooting, she finds fulfillment in being able to meet “I want it to look like this” requests while improving quality through retouching. She aims to continue using a balanced bird’s-eye and bug’s-eye view to pursue “retouching with love.”
1997年福岡生まれ。2019年にbird and insectに入社後、映像の全般的な知識を学び主にエディターとして広告、MV、ショートドラマなどの制作を担当。その後、都内のブランディングエージェンシーに渡り、ファッションやスキンケアブランドの映像ディレクション・撮影・編集に携わる。のちに再びbird and insectに出戻り入社。人の心を感化するクリエイティブ創りを目指し日々修行中。
Born in Fukuoka in 1997. After joining bird and insect in 2019, learned comprehensive video production knowledge and worked primarily as an editor, handling advertisements, music videos, and short dramas. Moved to a branding agency in Tokyo, involved in video direction, filming, and editing for fashion and skincare brands. Later, returned to bird and insect. Continues to work daily toward creating content that can touch people's hearts.
1993年長野県生まれ。大学在学中に写真家のアシスタントをする傍ら、自身の作品制作を行う。以降、都内プロダクションでファッション、カルチャー、音楽関係の撮影を手がけてきた。2020年6月からbird and insectに加入。プロジェクトマネージャーを経て、プロデューサーとして活躍中。フォトグラファーの経験を活かしてクリエイティブ領域にもコミットし、丁寧且つ柔軟なコミュニケーションを通してより良い作品へと導いていく。
Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1993. While assisting photographers during university, he also created his own works. Since then, he has been involved in fashion, culture, and music-related photography at production companies in Tokyo. Joined bird and insect in June 2020. After working as a project manager, he is now active as a producer. Leveraging his experience as a photographer, he commits to the creative field and guides projects to higher quality through careful and flexible communication.
東京生まれ。アパレル会社でのPR職、人材紹介会社での営業勤務経験を経て、PRとして加入。社会・会社・個人、あらゆる側面との繋がりやコミュニケーションのあり方を模索し、常に顧客視点を考える。制作サイドと経営サイドの間を行き来しながら、bird and insectの思いを第一線で届けていく。しかし当の本人は人前に出ることがあまり得意ではないため自宅に引きこもりがち。
Born in Tokyo, she worked in PR at an apparel company and in sales at a recruitment firm before joining as PR staff. She explores connections and communication methods between society, companies, and individuals, always considering the client's perspective. While bridging production and management teams to deliver bird and insect's vision, she personally prefers staying home as she's not particularly comfortable in the spotlight.
1993年 石川県生まれ。2011年の震災後、被災地を応援するメッセージが込められた多くのCMに感銘を受け、広告業界に興味を持つ。金沢美術工芸大学を卒業後、コピーライターとしてキャリアをスタート。主な受賞歴として 朝日広告賞、Japan Six Sheet Award、Metro Ad Creative Award ほか。2021年3月よりbird and insect に入社。写真や映像で伝えきれない想いを言語化しつつビジュアルとコピーのバランスを大切にしている。
Born in Ishikawa Prefecture in 1993. After the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, he was deeply moved by numerous commercials containing messages of support for the affected areas, which sparked his interest in the advertising industry. Following his graduation from Kanazawa College of Art, he began his career as a copywriter. His major awards include the Asahi Advertising Award, Japan Six Sheet Award, and Metro Ad Creative Award, among others. He joined bird and insect in March 2021. He focuses on verbalizing emotions that cannot be fully conveyed through photographs or videos while maintaining a balance between visuals and copy.
She studied architecture at an art university and worked on residential and office design at an architectural firm after graduation. Through her design experience, she aspired to become a prop stylist to create spaces that tell stories. Her favorite food is grapes.
1994年兵庫県生まれ。大学休学中にメキシコで日本食レストラン兼ホステルの立ち上げに携わる。帰国後約4年間の分散型ホテルの広報PRを経て、bird and insectにPM兼PRとして加入。
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1994. During his university break, he helped establish a Japanese restaurant/hostel in Mexico. After returning to Japan and spending four years in PR for a distributed hotel system, he joined bird and insect as a Project Manager and PR representative.He values gentle and friendly communication, creating an environment where even those new to photography and video production feel comfortable. He builds foundations for smooth project progression with both experienced professionals and beginners.His hobby is taking walks.
1998年 長野県生まれ。学生時代、映画やMV、スケートビデオに熱中する。アナログなものが永く残り続けるかっこよさに憧れ、8mmフィルムから映像をつくり始め、その時に作り手を志す。その後インターンを経てbird and insectに加入。ある一瞬が、永遠に記憶に焼き付くようなシーンをつくりたい。
Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1998. During his student years, he was passionate about films, music videos, and skate videos. Attracted to the lasting appeal of analog media, he began creating videos with 8mm film, which inspired him to become a creator. After an internship, he joined bird and insect. He aims to create scenes that leave permanent impressions in people's memories.
Born in Fukuoka, he began working in commercial film production during university, an experience that drew him into the industry. At production companies, he has worked across various positions including TV program director, music video producer and cameraman, assistant film director, and documentary director. He loves creating narrative-driven visuals and aims to produce content that moves people's hearts.
1996年 東京生まれ。都立大法学部を卒業後、オフィス、ショールームの内装、モニュメントやイベントなど、様々な空間のプロデュースに3年間従事。その後、写真や映像のクリエイティブに携わりたくなりbird and insectに加入。ロジカルな思考とコミュニケーションで本質を捉えることを常に意識している。見た人が思わずにやけてしまうクリエイティブを生み出したい。
Born in Tokyo in 1996. After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Tokyo Metropolitan University, he spent three years producing various spaces including offices, showrooms, monuments, and events.He joined bird and insect driven by his desire to work with photography and video production. He consistently focuses on capturing essence through logical thinking and communication. His goal is to create work that brings spontaneous smiles to viewers' faces.
東京生まれ、桐朋学園出身。システム研究開発業務を経験後、管理部門系へキャリアチェンジ。管理部門全般業務の実務と管理統括を経験。企業経験は創業140年の大企業から中小、ベンチャー企業を体験。クリエイター集団の美的センスと思考に触れられることに興味をもちbird and insectに業界未経験で飛び込む。異なる多様な経験値からの視点を提示することで新たな目線、見方を提供。社内外の幅広い年代・職種の人々と円滑に連携し、調整役が強み。バックオフィスの人も組織のクリエイターだと思うんですという代表の言葉は名言だと思っている。
Born in Tokyo and graduated from Toho Gakuen. After working in system development, she transitioned to administration. She has experience in general administrative operations and management across various companies, from a 140-year-old corporation to startups. Intrigued by the creative team's aesthetic sense and thinking, she joined bird and insect without prior industry experience. She offers fresh perspectives from her diverse background and excels at coordinating with people of various ages and roles both inside and outside the organization.
She strongly agrees with the representative's saying that "back-office staff are also creators in the organization."
1994年 東京生まれ。舞台制作会社にて技術職と事務職、対極であるふたつの経験をきっかけに職種を超えてそれぞれが心地良く過ごすための仕組みづくりに関心をもつようになる。クリエイターに寄り添えるバックオフィスを目指してbird and insectに加入。好きなことは業務の効率化で、コミュニケーションをとりながら課題解決へ取り組むことを大切にしている。趣味は引越しと昼寝。
Born in Tokyo in 1994. Her experience in both technical and administrative roles at a stage production company sparked her interest in creating systems where people from different occupations can work comfortably.She joined bird and insect to become a back-office professional who can support creators. She enjoys optimizing work processes and values solving problems through communication. Her hobbies are moving houses and taking afternoon naps.
1996年大阪生まれ。大学在学中に23カ国を徘徊。帰国後都内スタジオ勤務を経て、岡崎恒彦氏に師事。静物撮影を主として活動を始めようとするが、案件の上流段階から最後まで一貫して関わりたくなり、bird and insectに加入。思いをより良い形で世の中に認知してもらえるお手伝いができるよう、心がけています。
Born in Osaka in 1996. Wandered through 23 countries during university years. After returning to Japan, worked at a Tokyo studio before studying under Mr. Tsunehiko Okazaki. Initially planned to focus on still life photography, but wanting to be involved consistently from the upstream stages to the end of projects, joined bird and insect.Strives to help present ideas to the world in the best possible form.
Loves drinking, taking walks, and listening to Sakanaction.
2000年神奈川生まれ。専門学校にて空間デザインを学び、商品ディスプレイやショーウィンドウ制作に関わる会社を経てbird and insectに加入。ひとつひとつの世界観を大切に、魅力を最大限引き出すようなクリエイティブを目指している。好きなことは絵を描くことです。
Born in Kanagawa in 2000. After studying spatial design at a vocational school and working for a company involved in product displays and show window production, joined bird and insect. Values each unique worldview and strives to create work that maximizes their appeal. Favorite activity is drawing.
1992年 東京生まれ。TV番組の映像制作会社、ビューティー系を得意とする広告制作会社を経て、bird and insectに加入。丁寧に関係性を築くことと、最後まで粘り強く並走することを大事にしている。静かに存在感を放つ、そんなクリエイティブを作りたい。
Born in Tokyo in 1992. Joined bird and insect after working at a TV production company and a production house specializing in beauty advertising. Focused on building relationships carefully and persistently supporting teams until the end. Dedicated to creating work that quietly yet powerfully commands presence.
1991年奈良生まれ。関西外国語大学卒業後、東京のITベンチャー企業に就職。その後の海外放浪を経て、2020年より台北に移住。中華圏のYouTuberマネジメントや広告代理業を行う傍ら、オウンドメディアやYouTubeのコンテンツ制作に従事。その後台湾で写真と映像を仕事にしたいと思い、bird and insectの台湾オフィスに加入する。感性と論理、表現とビジネスの間を行き来しながら、本質に基づいて物事を進めていくことを意識している。
Born in Nara in 1991. After graduating from Kansai Gaidai University, he worked at a Tokyo IT startup. Following overseas travel, he relocated to Taipei in 2020.
While managing Chinese-speaking YouTubers and working in advertising, he was involved in owned media and YouTube content creation. He joined bird and insect's Taiwan office to pursue photography and video work in Taiwan. He focuses on advancing projects based on their essence while balancing sensitivity with logic, and expression with business.
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