1998年 長野県生まれ。学生時代、映画やMV、スケートビデオに熱中する。アナログなものが永く残り続けるかっこよさに憧れ、8mmフィルムから映像をつくり始め、その時に作り手を志す。その後インターンを経てbird and insectに加入。ある一瞬が、永遠に記憶に焼き付くようなシーンをつくりたい。
Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1998. During his student years, he was passionate about films, music videos, and skate videos. Attracted to the lasting appeal of analog media, he began creating videos with 8mm film, which inspired him to become a creator. After an internship, he joined bird and insect. He aims to create scenes that leave permanent impressions in people's memories.
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