1993年 長野県生まれ。大学在学中に写真家のアシスタントをする傍ら、自身の作品制作を行う。以降、都内制作会社でファッション誌やカルチャー誌の撮影を手がけてきた。2020年6月からbird and insectにプロジェクトマネージャーとして加入。麺類が好き。顎関節症のため、ハンバーガーは食べにくい。
Koike was born in 1993 in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. While in college, he worked as a photographer's assistant and also produced personal works.Since then, Koike has been shooting for fashion and culture magazines at a production company in Tokyo.In June 2020, Koike joined bird and insect as a project manager.Koike is a fan of noodles. He has difficulty eating hamburgers due to TMJ disorder.
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