長崎生まれ、祖父から譲り受けたクラシックカメラで、故郷の風景写真を撮影したきっかけに写真を始める。瞬きをするように感覚で撮影できるように感覚と感性を常に大事にしている。(有)六本木スタジオ入社後、アシスタントを経て独立。フリーランスでPhotographerを約9年間経験、映像撮影の機会が多くなってきたのを機に、2019年6月によりbird and insect に参加。
Born in Nagasaki, he began photography by capturing his hometown landscapes with a classic camera inherited from his grandfather. He values intuition and sensibility, aiming to shoot as naturally as blinking. After joining Roppongi Studio, he worked his way up from assistant to independent photographer. With about 9 years of freelance photography experience, he joined bird and insect in June 2019 as video shooting opportunities increased.
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