長崎生まれ、祖父から譲り受けたminolta SRT101というカメラで、故郷の風景写真を撮影したきっかけに写真を始める。(有)六本木スタジオ入社後、アシスタントを経て独立。フリーランスでPhotographerを約9年間経験、映像の世界に興味を持ち、2019年6月によりbird and insect に参加。
Born in Nagasaki, he started taking pictures of his hometown with a Minolta SRT101 handed down to him by his grandfather. Gaining experience at Roppongi Studio Ltd. and later as a photographer’s assistant, he decided to pursue a freelance career . With a career spanning 9 years and an interest in the video world, he joined bird and insect in 2019.
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