1986年生まれ。映像ディレクター。大学中退後、 多数の職を経て写真家・大山友輝朗氏に師事。2017年bird and insect加入。「映像は社会と視聴者を繋ぐ役割である」ことを常に意識し、柔らかかつしなやかな姿勢で課題や表現することに向き合い、人や街、 企業が持つ温度感を情緒的に表現することを得意とする。bird and insectで制作する傍ら、映画監督としても活動。劇場公開作品「雨とひかり」(2024年) 愛犬と豪雨の中一緒に走るのが好き。
Born in 1986. Video director. After dropping out of university, he worked various jobs before studying under photographer Yukiro Oyama. Joined bird and insect in 2017. He always keeps in mind that “video is a medium connecting society and viewers,” approaching challenges and expression with a soft and flexible attitude. He excels at emotionally expressing the warmth of people, streets, and companies. While producing work at bird and insect, he also works as a film director. “Raindrop from the Sun” (2024) He enjoys running with his beloved dog in heavy rain.
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