1991年奈良生まれ。関西外国語大学卒業後、東京のITベンチャー企業に就職。その後の海外放浪を経て、2020年より台北に移住。中華圏のYouTuberマネジメントや広告代理業を行う傍ら、オウンドメディアやYouTubeのコンテンツ制作に従事。その後台湾で写真と映像を仕事にしたいと思い、bird and insectの台湾オフィスに加入する。感性と論理、表現とビジネスの間を行き来しながら、本質に基づいて物事を進めていくことを意識している。
Born in Nara in 1991. After graduating from Kansai Gaidai University, he worked at a Tokyo IT startup. Following overseas travel, he relocated to Taipei in 2020.
While managing Chinese-speaking YouTubers and working in advertising, he was involved in owned media and YouTube content creation. He joined bird and insect's Taiwan office to pursue photography and video work in Taiwan. He focuses on advancing projects based on their essence while balancing sensitivity with logic, and expression with business.
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