着信の識別及び、迷惑電話対策を主な機能とする台湾発のスマートフォン用アプリケーション「Whoscall」(フーズコール)の日本向けWeb CMを、シリーズで3パターン制作した。
We produced a series of three web commercials for Japan for "Whoscall," a Taiwanese smartphone application whose main function is to identify incoming calls and prevent unwanted calls.
Each commercial is based on the motif of "Merry's Phone," an urban legend with a ghost story, and each has a comical view of the world to show the appeal of the application, which can identify important phone numbers such as delivery service in addition to nuisance calls such as sales calls and scams.
As this was the first advertising campaign in Japan, we aimed to create a compelling visual by mixing horror and comedy, and paying close attention to accessories and costumes.