IRIS OHYAMA Inc.の展開するサーキュレーター「WOOZOO」のWeb CMとメインビジュアルを撮影・制作。
キャッチコピーは「the breeze of your life /くらしに、新風を。」の二か国語で制作。「送風」に加えて「空気が変わる(気分転換)」の意味も込め、 物理的・気分的の両側面から暮らしの快適をサポートすることを伝えている。
Shot and produced the web commercial and main visual for WOOZOO, a circulator developed by IRIS OHYAMA Inc.
The images are designed to show the product in a minimalist and surrealistic worldview with an international flavor, and to create a situation with the product by showing the entire interior. The visualization of wind also appeals to the functional aspect of the product. In the color theme set, the styling mixes coolness with a bit of cuteness to create a visual that is a refreshing change from the conventional brand image and conveys the product's excellence as an interior decoration.
The catch copy was created in two languages: "the breeze of your life" and "the breeze of your life". The catch copy was created in two languages: "the breeze of your life" and "the breeze of your life. The catch copy was created in two languages, "the breeze of your life" and "change of air (change of mood)," to convey that the product supports comfort in both physical and emotional aspects of life.