1996年大阪生まれ。大学在学中に23カ国を徘徊。帰国後都内スタジオ勤務を経て、岡崎恒彦氏に師事。静物撮影を主として活動を始めようとするが、案件の上流段階から最後まで一貫して関わりたくなり、bird and insectに加入。思いをより良い形で世の中に認知してもらえるお手伝いができるよう、心がけています。
Born in Osaka in 1996. Wandered through 23 countries during university years. After returning to Japan, worked at a Tokyo studio before studying under Mr. Tsunehiko Okazaki. Initially planned to focus on still life photography, but wanting to be involved consistently from the upstream stages to the end of projects, joined bird and insect.Strives to help present ideas to the world in the best possible form.
Loves drinking, taking walks, and listening to Sakanaction.
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