bird and insects.

specialized by bird and insect

image branding


Image branding is the building of brand value on the image basis.
We seek to create brand uniqueness and take brand image building seriously with the one-of-a-kind worldview and narrative.

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image branding is イメージブランディングとは


What is appealing about your brand, and what kind of perspective is appropriate for your brand?



Image branding is a method of creating a "brand image" in the minds of customers by identifying the unique appeal of a brand from the desired perspective.

We will help you create the right image that attracts potential customers.

strengths of bird and insect bird and insectの強み


bird and insect's strength lies in its ability to create a consistent image for the brand.

一般的なブランディング branding in general / common


Branding, in general, is determined in a "top-down" structure as shown in the figure based on a company's overall strategy and policies. Therefore, it takes longer to develop a consistent image that customers will be exposed to.

bird and insect のブランディング bird and insect’s branding method

bird and insectの強みは、写真・映像のプロダクションとして培ってきたイメージづくりの経験から、一般的なブランディングとは反対に、図のような「ボトムアップ」方式でイメージをつくり上げることにあります。


bird and insect's strength lies in its ability to create a consistent image for the brand from the bottom up, as opposed to general branding.

By building a consistent brand image through image-making at first, the brand's policy and promotional strategy will be derived inherently.

create wonder

bird and insect は、
creative studio です。

bird and insect is a creative studio that uses the power of image creation,
drawing out your brand story in a way communicates your worldview.

image branding flow イメージブランディングの流れ

01 お問い合わせ Inquiries

  • 新しく立ち上げるブランドのビジュアルを相談したい!
  • 会社のブランディングムービーを作りたい!
  • ブランドをリニューアルしたい!
  • 既存のイメージを壊したい!


01 Inquiries

  • I want to consult on visuals for my newly launched brand!
  • I want to make a branding movie for my company!
  • I want to renew my brand!
  • I want to re-brand the existing image!

Do you have these thoughts and ideas in mind? Shoot us an e-mail, and we can help you with it.

02 現状の可視化 Visualization of the current state

 image/concept/strategy  という3つの軸から要件を整理し、ブランドの現状を可視化した  「トライアングル」を作成  します。

02 Visualization of the current state

We will begin with visualizing the current state of the brand by summarising your ideas and requirements under three fundamental aspects: image, concept, and strategy. The three aspects form into a triangular graph, as shown.

03 トライアングルの補完 Triangular graph forming


例えばimageならイメージディレクターやデザイナー、conceptならコピーライターといった、  さまざまなスキルを持ったメンバーが多角的にサポート  します。

03 Triangular graph forming

The visualized graph displays the gaps which are to be polished accordingly.

For example, we might work with image directors or designers to create a stronger image. In other cases, we might cooperate with copywriters for better brand concepts and other skilled members if needed.

04 コンテンツの制作 Content Creation


これらは  トライアングルの全てにリンク  させ、 SNS、Web、紙、etc...さまざまな媒体のなかで、  どういった組み合わせをすることが有効なのかを考えながら、ご提案させていただきます。 

04 Content Creation

Such suitable contents are to be prepared for your brand based on the information acquired as brand movies, advertising shoots, brochures, websites, and service introduction movies, etc.

05 フィードバックと見直し Feedback and review

実際に  ブランドイメージにどのくらい貢献できたか、ローンチした結果をもとにフィードバック  。経営陣・担当者さまと、図を改めて見直します。売上なども大事ですが、  長期戦略でのイメージづくりを重要視  しています。


05 Feedback and review

Feedback based on the results of the launch to determine how much it actually contributed to the brand image. We review the figure again with the management team and the person in charge. Sales and other factors are important, but we place importance on creating an image with a long-term strategy.

If the results are unexpected, we will come up with a new strategy or make changes as necessary while verifying that the direction we are aiming for is correct.

06 目指すべき結果 Meeting the expectation

トライアングルの見直しとコンテンツの制作を繰り返していくことで、  よりブランドとしての魅力を高めていく  のがイメージブランディングの全体像です。

単に目を引くビジュアル広告や、一時的な話題性を目的とした動画制作とは違い、  「気がつけば自然とブランドの魅力に惹かれている」状況を戦略的につくり出す  ことを目指します。

06 Meeting the expectation

Image branding is to enhance the appeal of a brand by repeated review of the balance of the triangular graph and producing of content consistency.

Unlike visual advertisements that simply catch the eye or video production that aims to create a temporary buzz, we aim at scenario creation strategically where people are naturally drawn to the brand's appeal when they notice it.

image branding
bird and insect ltd. all rights reserved.


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